Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Doe Season

In David Kaplan’s “Doe Season”, Andy is a girl who is torn between trying to impress her father and finding out what that means. While out on a hunting trip, she embarks out with three men to prove her worthiness and discovers that the world is often a frightening place. She recalls a trip to the ocean and states “that it frightened her, it was huge and empty” (par. 45) this implies that she is afraid of the unknown and feels more comfortable and safe in the woods where “they were always the same… and they stretch all the way to here” (par. 1). These woods make Andy feel protected in that they will not change; they will remain the same no matter what. She is about to do something that will push her forward towards adulthood, towards that ocean she is so afraid of. As soon as she shoots that doe she is changed, and that frightens her.
Kaplan managed to capture an extremely difficult period in the young girls’ life, making this story relatable to everybody. In the end, Andy realizes that she does not want to grow up but instead stay a child.

1 comment:

suzi16 said...

I think you are very right that she does not want to grow up but stay a child. I, think, at first as all of us do, she does want to grow up but when she gets a taste of adulthood it is not quite what she thought it would be.