Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I am going to compare the two poems "The Man He Killed" by Thomas Hardy and "Dulce et Decorum Est" by Wilfred Owen. I will compare how they each give a different outlook on a soldiers life in war.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Topic Proposal

For my poetry essay, I am going to compare "Do not go gentle into that good night" and "Photograph of My Father in His Twenty-Second year". Both poems deal with the relationships between father and son. They also deal with their father's dying and past experiences. Even though there is ultimately an underlying love here for sure, there is also hurt and disappointment I assume.

Poetry Analysis

"Do not go genlte into that good night" by Dylan Thomas and "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden were both good examples of father son relationships. Thomas describes his mixed feelings towards losing his father and not ready to say goodbye to him. "Good men, last wave by, crying how bright their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, rage, rage against the dying of the light." (Thomas, 887). It's a sad poem and hard to go through death of loved ones. Hayden, on the other hand, has a loving a devoted father who works all days of the week to support his family and makes sure the house is always warm for the family before they even have to get out of bed. It may also seem unappreciative because the father does all of these things for his family and never gets a thank you for anything but is still continuing to work so hard. "Hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather made banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him" (Hayden, 678).
In my essay I am going to compare the two poems “The Man He Killed” by Thomas Hardy and the Poem “Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen. Both Poems are about war and death.
In my essay, I will compare the similarities and differences between the two poems. The similarities between the two poems are both are discussing war and death. Each poet has a different attitude towards war, one seems to be very casual (Hardy) and the other one is disillusioned. (Owen) In both of the poems, they are discussing the experiences that they went thorough because of war. Both authors of the poems have different viewpoints about war. In the first poem by Hardy, the poem is about war and death and his viewpoint about war is a matter of fact tone. I had to do what I had to do or be killed. In the second poem by Owen, it was very graphic and descriptive of what really was taken place in the war. It lets readers visualize what soldiers are going through and have to face while fighting for one’s country.

"Topic proposal poetry essay"

For my poetry essay I am going to compare "Dulce et Decorum" by Wilfred Owen and "The Man He Killed" by Thomas Hardy. These poems both focus of death from war. They both give graphic details of war scenes that soldiers experienced. There is a negative tone that shows when comparing these two poems. It becomes quite obvious in "The Man He Killed" that the speaker was still upset about the incident. Both of the poems offer different points of view. "The Man He Killed" gives an outlook on war from the soldier who killed another human. He seemed uncertain that he did the right thing by killing the man that he easily could have became friends with. "Dulce et Decorum" gives the point of view from the fellow soldier who watched his friend get killed.

Poetry Essay

I am going to compare the development of the theme of warin the two poems "Dulce et Decorum Est" by Wilfred Owen and "The Man he Killed" by Thomas Hardy. The development of these poems are very different "Dulce et Decorum Est" uses graphic detail in discribing the events and in "The Man He Killed" is simple and to the point.

Comparing Poetry ~ Brook M. Wilken

I have decided to analyze the similarities and discrepancies between the two poems, The Man He Killed and Dulce et Decorum Est. These poems accurately represent the underlying ethical dilemma associated with war as well as convey the emotional connection to war time experiences. The use of sentence structure, form, irony, similes, rhyme/rhythm, and overall tone of these pieces greatly enhances the underlying meaning. Each poem poetically seeks to resolve the underlying personal motivation of engaging in war, however, each poem speaks about a specific situation and the emotions that were associated their distinct experience. I have chosen to focus on the similarities of structure/form, tone, and theme and contrast the unique experiences that lead to the internal questioning about the reason they engage in war. In the Man He Killed, Hardy uses a conversational, reflective approach to expresses the emotions of the speaker, where as in Dulce et Decorum Est, Owen recounts his traumatic experience while at war and his symbolic interpretation of the death of a fellow soldier and how that represents the evil, infectious traits of war itself. Although the themes are quite similar, their distinct approach and use of irony and symbolism is vastly different.

Poetry Essay Idea

For my poetry essay I will be comparing the poems “Photograph of My Father in His Twenty-Second Year,” by Raymond Carver, and “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night,” by Dylan Thomas. In my essay I will compare the similar and the different feelings that the two speakers have toward their fathers. The similarity being how they both are disappointed in their fathers and the difference being the reasoning for their disappointment. I will talk about the metaphors used in the poems and how they help to give meaning to the poems. I will also discuss the symbols that are used in the poem and the theme of each poem. The two poems definitely have similarities and differences.

Different Perspectives of War

For my poem essay I am going to compare the two poems "The Man He Killed" by Thomas Hardy and "Dulce et Decorum Est" by Wilfred Owen. I am going to compare the different tones that are used in these two poems. In "The Man He Killed", Hardy used a straight forward tone, one that implies that a person is only doing is job in war and that the enemy could very well be a "every day Joe" that you are sitting next to at a bar. In "Dulce et Decorum Est" by Wilfred Owen, Owen uses descriptive images that makes the reader feel like he is right inside the poem, seeing all of the horrific details of being in a war. In "The Man He Killed", on lines 9 and 10 it reads, "I shot him dead because---Because he was my foe,". A pretty simple statement that doesn't embellish on the intricacies of war. Owen uses a lot more descriptive words to make the reader fully understand the emotions that war can bring on to a soldier. "And watch the while eyes writhing in his face, His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin;" (19,20). In the last few lines of Owen's "Dulce et Decorum Est", he writes, "To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est" (26,27). This means that people tell their children how sweet it is to be a soldier and fight for one'c country but it is a lie. All of the horrid images that the soldiers experience everyday, it is not sweet at all.
Elizabeth Hillukka

Comparison poetry blog

I am going to compare the two poems “The Man He Killed” by Thomas Hardy and “Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen. The two compare in multiple ways as to the tone of both being serious about war and the killing that takes place. Both use a soldier as the speaker as in “Dulce et Decorum Est” the soldier in the poem says “…we cursed through sludge…”(2) and in “The Man He Killed” the soldier is talking about how he shoots someone “I shot at him as he at me,”(7). Both soldiers feel a sense of helplessness as each poem uses imagery to expose readers to death. In Thomas Hardy’s poem the speaker is actually forced to cause the death and in Wilfred Owen’s poem the speaker is witness to a fellow soldier’s death. Both soldiers in each poem tell readers a tale of what it could be like to be at war and their feelings of a civic duty for their country really doesn’t outweigh the horror of death that they have just experienced.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Brainstorming thoughts for poetry comparison

The poetry paper that I plan to write will compare Wilfred Owen’s poem “Dulce et Decorum Est” and Thomas Hardy’s poem “The Man He Killed.” Based on the dates these were written, it would appear that Owen’s poem relates to World War I, which was a war that used poison gas very heavily; and Hardy’s poem most likely relates to the Boer War, although it never mentions that war. The speaker’s of both pieces have a very negative attitude regarding war, and they both feel that they are the victims, even though they are still alive. The horrors of war are made real with graphic imagery and figurative language in “Dulce et Decorum Est,” while “The Man He Killed” is presented using simple language in a conversational style. Both poems use irony to get their point across in the last stanza. Hardy’s speaker calls war “quaint and curious” (line 17), while Owen’s speaker brings the message of “The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est” (line 27). The tone of both pieces is somewhat cynical, although there is also a sadness that runs through both. At this point, these thoughts are a little random, as I am brainstorming on exactly what I will be writing.

Comparison Essay

For the poetry essay, I have decided to compare "Photograph of My Father in His Twenty-Second Year" by Raymond Carver and "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden. The basis of both poems are very similar to each other in that each has a grown man who sees who his father truly is and who has been all his life although they did not realize it when they were young. The father's are two men who have raised their children to the best of their ability and have expected nothing in return. The men worked hard to support their families and in their old age, they wore their wear and tare in a way that everyone could see. In "Those Winter Sundays," the father had "cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday." (Lines 3 and 4, Hayden) In "Photograph of My Father in His Twenty-Second Year," the father's "eyes give him away, and the hands that limply offer the string of dead perch." I will compare and possibly contrast the father-son relationships and also the characters of each father.

"Topic Proposal"

I will be comparing "Dulce et Decorum Est" written by Wilfred Owen and "The Man He Killed" Written by Thomas Hardy. Thomas Hardy uses a young soldier as the speaker and appears that the only reason he may have enlisted was simply because he has no job or money, not because he wanted to represent the country. Wilfred Owen was on the page that enlisting in the war was more of a noble thing to do. I wonder if either of these men suffered from PTSD after the war? I think that both men have regret/remorse with enlisting. Wilfred Owen has great detail in his poem versus Thomas Hardys poem is a little shorter and not as much detail. Even though it is shorter it has a tone change to help understand how the writer feels. I think that I will focus on tone and images.

Topic Proposal

For the poetry essay I will be comparing "Those Winter Sundays" and "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night". These two poems show that the speaker is feeling guilt that they either never got to thank their father's or they don't want their father to die because they are feeling guilty. Both speaker's show that their father's were hard on themselves and that they need to sort of learn to be hard on themselves and get the chores done as well. In the end they realize that their father's were there for them and it is almost too late to thank them. In "Those Winter Sundays" the speaker asked himself "what did I know of loves austere and lonely offices?" (13-14) which shows he didn't realize all his father did for him and his family until he was older. The same thing happened in "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" the speaker says "curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray" (17) showing he never got to tell his father thank you for being strong when you were well and please be strong now. These two poems have simalarities but they also have slight differences. In my essay I will be comparing the differences and the similarities.
Carly Turchin

Analytical paper topic

For my analytical poetry paper I would like to take a look at the similarities and differences between “Dulce et Decorum Est” and “The Man He Killed”. More importantly, I would like to expound on the use and effectiveness of the graphic imagery and experience Owen uses to protest war versus the more trivializing tone Hardy uses.

Theme for "porphyria's lover"

This poem was really sweet at first and I thought the theme was going to be love, But later you find out that in fact that is the irony of the story because it was about death to confine love. This story goes through a very fast emotional roller coster and it is hard to keep up if you only read it once. I really liked that the writer put all the descriptive moments that he did. I found that the theme was not developed until lines 35 - 45 when the man developed an idea to use the hair to kill the women. I feel there was a lot of thought put into this poem and it worked really good. Of course I was hoping that it ended happy but this is cool too. James Mills

Poetry Essay

For my poetry essay I have chosen to compare "Do not go gentle into that good night" and "Those Winter Sundays". Both of these poems express the parent child relationship by describing the regret and remorse that each child feels about their relationship with their father. In "Those Winter Sundays" it is more evident that the child feels bad for not showing his father appreciation for everything he does for him and his family. In the other poem the reasons for the child's regret is not as clear and specific. The child's father is on his death bed and he does not want him to die but the reason for his feelings of regret are never stated in the poem. It is obvious to the reader that the child in this poem has some unresolved issue with his father because he does not want him to die.