This is a short story written by David Kaplan. This story is about a girl named Andrea who goes by the name Andy. Andy goes hunting with her father, his friend and son. In this story Andy is scared of the changes that she will going through as she becomes a woman. Andy is a girl who masks the fact that by doing manly activity's with her father she maybe would not have to go through the change to womanhood. Andy has a hidden girly side and she also masks that in the story as you can see throughout the story when Mac makes fun of her and teases her. The sea symbolizes womanhood and the forest symbolizes manhood. Andy wants to please her father in this story. At the end of the story when they cut the doe open, Andy runs in to the woods. Andy at that point realizes that she will maybe never be a part of the manly group and activity's with acceptance. Andy will be a woman someday soon as suggested in the story when she and her mother were at the beach and her mother lost her top, Andy appeared to be embarrassed however Andy realized she also would have breast sometime in the future. Andy struggles with some self identity in this story and at the end maybe realizes that she can do manly sports however she will always be a female.
Angela Thune
Sunday, October 4, 2009
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