Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Doe Season" Answer 3

In the beginning of the story Andy enjoys the outdoors and the wide range of the woods, how they went on for miles and the quietest of them. How she wanted to be with her father out in the woods hunting and hoping to see a deer. She enjoyed the closeness they had together, the bond of father and daughter and how he enjoyed her company, on the deer hunt.
Life changed when she finally shot a deer and how she injured it and it ran away. Andy was so scared that the deer would suffer on her account. She so had wished it would of ran away, so she wouldn't of had to shoot at it or injure it, in anyway. She was happy that they found it dead and no more suffering become of the deer. Andy also realized that, hunting was not for her. She didn't have the bravery to kill an animal.
Andy remembers her visit to the ocean, "how huge and empty, yet always moving. Everything lay hidden."(459) That is what she feels like now, after shooting the deer, empty. She realizes that she no longer wants to do what the men do and she no longer wants to be called Andy. She has now went from tomboy to girl, from childhood to adulthood.
Andrea realizes that things don't stay the same, they are always moving forward, just like she has too.

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