Wednesday, March 17, 2010

GQ Doll
The poem Barbie Doll,written by Marge Piercy, is written for the female aspects of struggling to be a Barbie doll. This poem can easily be flipped to show Ken dolls side of the story. The boys have the same pressures as girls do, but in some ways even more. They have to prove that they are strong to their class mates to be respected. I don't know to many popular wimpy guys. Parents expect their boys to be stronger emotionally then they do their girls also. I don't think they have as much pressure to be thin as girls but they still do have some pressure. The body builder probably gets more dates than the really nice chubby guy.
If I had to rewrite the Barbie Doll poem to reflect the male Ken Doll I would name it the GQ Doll. GQ is a magazine for handsome men with perfect bodies and features, exactly what is expected of the Ken and Barbie dolls.
I would present the GQ doll as the perfect looking man. He would have a beautiful body, very defined and muscular with no fat. GQ would be tall, have nice hair, perfectly white and straight teeth. He would also be wearing a very revealing outfit to show off his gorgeous muscles. GQ would also be a stressed out man because he would have to constantly work out and diet.
The GQ doll poem would be composed mainly of informal diction. I don’t see any reason to try to fancy up the words. After all, I would be describing a man with a perfect outside and a sad inside. I think the easier it is to follow the better my readers would connect with my descriptions of this gorgeous and distraught man.

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