Monday, March 30, 2009

Barbie Doll - GI Joe

If this poem where to be about men I would rename it “GI Joe”. In this poem I would use the classic all- American symbols for masculinity, such as sports, cars, dating (girls to be specific), and financial success. “Barbie Doll” speaks of the expectations young girls have today, I would do the same in “GI Joe” but for the opposite sex. Young men are supposed to be athletic and strive in any of the hundreds of sports out there; they are also expected to take an interest in cars, right? As far as dating goes, the more they bed, the manlier they are; and God forbid they are gay, then they wouldn’t be manly at all. As they grow up, a man will have a nice job to go along with his nice house.
I would use words that are hard, strong, and to the point, to portray to the reader that this is how it is and how it should be.
In reality, young people today are faced with enough pressure, peer or otherwise. “Barbie Doll”, “GI Joe”, or any other poem about the pressure society places on our youth is bringing to light the fact that these pressures are unrealistic; no one can be perfect.
FYI: I do not really believe in what I wrote about men; I was merely just getting my point across about unrealistic expectations.

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