Saturday, September 12, 2009

Unit 3 "A&P"

In discussing the story: "A&P" I would first like to say that this story really cracked me up because of the way the Narrator (Sammy) explains details of the customers (the foil) and as well as the girls (in my mind fit both the round and dynamic characters) in the story. Using phrases like: "She has on a kind of dirty pink - beige maybe, I don't know - bathing suit with a little nubble all over it and, what got me, the straps were down" (220). Just really personalizes the story (especially if you're a guy). I really get the vibe that this is a "story about conformity" (or perhaps the lack there of). Just think about what the girls whole motive was... to go against the flow! They knew it wasn't 'proper' or 'appropriate' to be in bathing suits in the store. Yet they did anyway as expressing their desire of one; freedom, two; emancipation from rules and three; for the feeling of individualism. This totally is one of the things that turns Sammy on, and in turn one of the main reasons he quit. People taking a stand is contagious, especially to someone who isn't in a place of life where they want to be. Sammy quit not only because of the girls and how he felt they were mistreated and the fact that he had it up to here with his job and dealing with customers, he also quit because of the inspiration he was given to be your own man, go against what your superiors tell you is right. This thought process with no doubt in my mind leads to the 60's and 70's time of rebellion and hippies. The epiphany and climax (in my mind) is when Lengel confronts the girls at the checkout. This caused Sammy to gather a new perspective which in turn led to him quiting.

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