Monday, June 9, 2008

The Lottery

I figured out the story as soon as I read the part about the kids collecting the rocks. I could see someone getting stoned at the end which was what it was at the end. What was funny was that Mrs. Hutchinson was late her excuse was that she was doing the dishes and realized that no one was outside and took of to the town square. It was ironic how she ended up being the one who was chosen to be stoned for choosing the wrong piece of paper. As the lottery was going on people where talking about that the village next to them stopped doing the lottery and things are still the same. Which the oldest person their said nonsense because he said the lottery In June makes your crops grow. She was trying to make excuses which I don't blame her dong. It was unjust of being stoned due to people thinking that it was what makes people obedient so that things do not get out of hand. It was short and to the point type of a story of what was going on in this village assuming it was in the early 1800’s or so. I think that it was cruel to stone someone out of what they believed when the village was first settled. Though at least her children were not picked. The other eerie part was that her kids I don't think understood what was actually going on because they pick up a stone as well and the lady who picked a large rock took to hand to hold she must get in to the throwing of the rocks.

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