Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Papa's Waltz

This poem is about a young boy who learns from his papa how to waltz. I think the whiskey on his breath plays an important role in this poem because the papa may have been drunk when he taught the boy and that was why he was so firm with his movements. The tone in this poem is very strong as I can see the pans falling from the shelf. I remember my first waltz lesson from my uncle at my grandpa's birthday party. It was a fast paced waltz and I can recall holding on for dear life also. The boy must have been young for his ear to be at the height of papa's belt buckle. The papa then waltz the boy to bed and I think the boy was happy to be there. Still feeling as if he was holding onto his papa's shirt. The memory of this little boy's first waltz is something he will carry with him for the rest of his life as mine!

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