Sunday, March 15, 2009

Poetry - Past Experiences

I have really enjoyed most of the poetry that I have read in the past. I remember in high school having to write our own poetry and I loved doing that. I also remember in high school digging deep into poetry on what the poem actually means, and thinking critically about the poems. Most of the poetry that I enjoy reading is about relationships and life experiences. I also like to look at the lyrics in songs. Lyrics are truly a form of poetry. I think poetry is a beautiful form of writing, because one can interpret it in many different ways. By knowing this basic information I think I was well prepared for the readings for this unit. I also know that when reading poetry you want to read it over a few times to get the full understanding of the poem. Even the smallest element in poetry can make a huge difference in what the author is trying to convey. When reading the reading assignments for this unit, I was a little intimated. I forgot how many different types and styles of poetry there was! I also have not written nor read much of poetry lately. My only recent readings of poetry would be song lyrics. Having said that, I am excited to start this unit!

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