Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I would title my opposing feminist poem as Jock, or maybe Athlete of the year. Boys still have peer pressure, and the social norm to be athletic and strong just as girls are portrayed to be skinny and pretty. When boys are little parents put them in sports and make sure they play outside to get a good workout. In the first paragraph I would change the big nose and fat legs to no muscles and squeeky voice or fat tummy and ugly face. I dont think the boy would be as appologetic as the girl is but i still think people would see the same thing. I can see the boys nature wearing out, and he would start taking a protein shake everyday and lifting weights if he was skinny, or dieting and working out excessively if he was overweight. I can see a weight loss surgery or implants to the skinny guy some how added into this poem or possibly maybe even anorexia or bulemia to go to the extreme that this girl went to. He would finally be happy after he ruined his body with all the plastic surgery or ruined his teeth and organs from the purging.
Nicole K.

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