Saturday, October 3, 2009

Doe Season Question #3

The woods consist of the same trees, with small changes year after year, giving life and offering support, much as parents do with young children. Life is easy in the woods, peaceful and relaxing with not much demand. You can take your time, have fun and enjoy all parts of the forest (animals, smells, sounds). The forest has everything at hand that one would need to survive, streams for drinking, berries for eating, leaves for shade and branches for a bed. The woods in this story are a comparison of the childhood life that Andy is about to leave behind, in theory, with this hunting trip. While in direct contrast the ocean, as stated " it frightened her. It was huge and empty, yet always moving" (Kaplan 459) compares to teenage years and adult life she is about to enter. The ocean moves fast and is very loud, with each incoming wave, new water arrives. The sand at your feet is ever-changing, sometimes supporting you and at other times being swept from under your feet as you stand. The ocean is very demanding and one needs to be quick, fast and ready to react if a large swell comes up suddenly. Swimming in the ocean takes a great responsibility with regards to personal safety, not only with the pull of the waves but with things that are hidden beneath the surface.

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