Saturday, October 3, 2009

"Doe Season"

In the story "Doe Season" Andy, a young girl has went on a hunting trip with her father and also another father and his son. As the four of them are driving out to the woods she starts to think about the woods and no matter how many miles there are, "...they are still the same woods. The thought made her feel good: it was like thinking of God..." (456). This part of the story shows the comfort that Andy found in the woods, this represents the stability of her childhood and the fact that it was never changing. Later on in the story while the four hunters were walking through the woods the sound of the wind made Andy think about the ocean. Andy begins to describe her feelings about the ocean, " frightened her. It was huge and empty, yet always moving." (459) Andy's thoughts about the ocean show that she is scared about her future and becoming an adult because it is unknown and unpredictable, just like the ocean.

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