Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Yellow Wallpaper

The story The Yellow Wallpaper was very interesting to read but also somewhat confusing. I thought it was interesting how in the beginning of the story, the woman sounded almost normal, but in the end it was clear that she was not in her right mind. As the story progresses and you begin to notice how the narrator seems to change, you also notice how the writing changes as well. The narrator was upset about how the house sat alone for so long, she mentioned that she believed it may be haunted. She also did not like the room she was in. She would rather be downstairs closer to the outdoors. I believe her husband kept her upstairs to be as far away from others as possible, this probably made her mental condition worse. She also really did not like that wallpaper.
I think that with every entry she writes, the writing changes a little. She sounds a little crazier everytime. I think on page 373 is when the writing takes a big change though. The paragraphs begin to get very short and the punctuation doesn't always seem to make sense. Also, it is when her thoughts really give away her mental problems. The more she talks about what she thinks is going on with the wallpaper and the woman "creeping" the harder it is to understand the story. I believe that at the end of the story, the woman tears off all of the wallpaper and becomes that woman that she saw "creeping" so many times. The wallpaper was just a cover for what she was really doing the whole time.

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