Monday, May 26, 2008

Story of an Hour

The first fact noted in this story is Mrs. Mallards heart condition which is a foreshadow to the ending. Mrs. Mallard as well as her sister Josephine and husband's friend Richards believe Mr. Mallard has just died tragically in a train disaster. Mrs. Mallard seems to be torn between grief and relief. Mrs. Mallard loved her husband but not all of the time. She is sad that he has died but she feels more relief than sadness. She will no longer live as a shadow of her husband. She will have a new freedom. A freedom that allows her to answer to no one but herself. Josephine and Richards are blind to this relief or excitement that Mrs. Mallard is feeling. They believe she is grief stricken.
The ending is quite surprising. It is stated earlier in the story that Richards himself confirmed twice that Mr. Mallard had indeed perished however the story ends in a twist with Mr. Mallard walking in the door unscathed. Mrs. Mallard with her heart condition dies instantly at the shock of her husbands presents. Mrs. Mallard had grieved for a short moment and then consumed the new found freedom. In an instance the freedom was taken back. However looked at freedom in its many forms is important for survival and for a moment Mrs. Mallard lived for it.

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