Sunday, October 26, 2008

digging down and down..

I do not think that our generation can live the way our grandparents lived. We are used to a different life style especially with all this technology. But this does not mean that we are having an easy life. The more technology and knowledge we gain, the more responsible we become. Life is getting complicated more and more every day. Things, beliefs and methods change because life is changing. To survive we need to cope with these changes and adapt ourselves.

Seamus Heaney’s poem “Digging” emphases this idea, that past generations worked hard to support themselves in a harsh life. But we are also working hard like they did in a different time and with different means. What matters is to work hard to achieve our goals in life. The speaker says, “Over his shoulder, digging down and down/For the good turf/Digging”. I believe that the speaker is making an interesting connection between the words “good” and “digging”. He wants us to understand that the more we “dig” or the more we work hard, the more we get good results or achievements.

The speaker in this poem asserts that our grandparents worked hard. We are not supposed to do their same job to be classified as hard workers. We can just learn from them concepts and values that we can apply in our life.

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