Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"The Chrysanthemums"

John Steinbeck’s “The Chrysanthemums” was one of my favorite stories that we have read so far. I liked the way that the story was very descriptive like, “The thick willow scrub along the river flamed with sharp and positive yellow leaves (Steinbeck p. 632).” Also in that passage how he used color so you could practically picture what he is talking about. Even though in the end I am kind of confused because why didn’t she look at the caravan, “She swung full around toward her husband so she could not see the little covered wagon and the mismatched team as the car passed them (Steinbeck p. 639).” What did the driver of the wagon throw out? “Far ahead on the road Elisa saw a dark speck. She knew (Steinbeck p. 639).” Why didn’t she want to look at the wagon, was she scared or did she just not want to look?

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