Monday, October 6, 2008

"Doe Season"

"Doe Season" by David Michael Kaplan was very intiguing. I have never been hunting or ever killed anything so this was quite interesting for me to read and learn about. In my family hunting is also considered a "mans thing" just like in this story Charlie says "I don't know why she is coming."(513) "She'll just add to the noise and get tired besides."(513) but Andy's father didn't agree and in a way he was almost trying to make her into the son he never had. She saw the first deer but Mac didn't believe her "I bet you really didn't see no deer, did you?"(516) but she know she had. When she saw the deer again she was able to take the shot even though Charlie figured she'd miss the deer. She shot the deer but it took off into the woods and she started to cry, knowing she had shot the deer but it didn't die and was suffering. She had a dream that night that the deer had finally died and in the morning they found the deer. After this experience she realized she is not a boy and hunting was not for her. So she decided to go back to acting more like a girl and now wanted to be called by her real name Andrea.

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