Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I felt as if this poem describes nothing but a sexual encounter. This was very interesting on how it was made to relate to jumping a car... The correlation between the two topics, sex and jumping a car is amazing. The author is describing how when the jumper cables are connected between the two cars, there is an energizing connection, then it can get a little more intimately detailed by describing the opening up the hood and taking an intimate look at the "workings" (line 3) underneath. It's like the author is describing that after the two people have a connection and take their relationship to the next step, they explore each others bodies after the "hood" (line 2) or the clothes are gone... Then it seems like the author is goes into how during the connection everything is exciting and "energizing"... After all of the events occur, the two people would decide to stay together because of the strong intimate connection. I also thought about this in another way, thinking that what if the jump cabling would have been frayed, or faulty? The connection wouldn't be as strong and energized, not allowing the start of anything, whether it be a car or a relationship. If that was the case, wouldn't the title just be called "A one night stand"?

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