Monday, November 2, 2009


In the poem “Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelle, the theme that nothing lasts, it shows in the poem by the descriptive words used to describe how nothing remains the same. Shelly shows that there is nothing there but “trunkless legs of stone.” (2) It shows that there are two legs that remain standing in the sand. Everything has sunk in the sand. The imagery in the poem shows how the sculpture is broken, decaying and sinking in the sand. The only thing standing is the trunkless legs and everything else is gone. The speaker in the poem talks about how it “met a traveler from an antique land” (1) and states that “who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert.”(2, 3) The speaker is relating what he saw in the desert. In this poem, nothing lasts forever but it seems that the trunkless stones and stones in the sand are the only things that lasted.

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