Monday, June 2, 2008

I stand her ironing

Emily’s mother is unable to meet the needs of her daughter and Emily suffers the drastic effects. The mom’s character directly relates to the poor up bringing of her daughter as evidenced by the mother’s own entrapment to her circumstances.

There is no doubt that the mom is in a difficult situation. She is tending to her younger children, writing to her husband who’s gone away at war, and all the while trying to support her family by working. She consistently uses these tasks as excuses for time not spent with Emily. She has not the strength to give a smile or show joy to her young daughter and in response; “She does not smile easily…Her face is closed and sombre” (285). Because Emily’s mother is preoccupied with other things such as with her second child; she was not able to be with Emily who was crying out to her.

Emera Gould

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