Sunday, June 1, 2008

A & P

I felt that Sammy acted as a typical 19 year old boy. All they think about is girls and food. I have two brothers that are 18 and 20, so I know from experience that they don't think of much else.
We only got to see Sammy thinking about girls, but I am sure that he doesn’t think about much else. He deals with the situations as they arise and he will deal with the consequences later.

I had a few questions after reading the story A&P.

1. Was he looking for a reason to quit?
I got the impression that it was just way to easy for him to quit without thinking about what his parents would say until to late.

2. What would he have done if the girls did stop and watch him?
They sounded to me that they were stuck up and wouldn’t have really cared anyway. They didn’t give him the time of day while they were in his lane, even though they were busy with the manager. Sammy didn’t even say that they smiled at him or anything. It was kind of like Sammy was just a pawn in their little game, to get a rise out of people.

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