Thursday, October 23, 2008

So Mexicans Are Stealing Jobs From Americans

I agreed with this poem One hundred percent. I loved the authors views and his basis for his arguments. I never understood why people were so hostile against other races and genders. I was brought up with the understanding that you treat people equally no matter how they are or where they came from. I never disagreed with the fact that hispanics come to the U.S to make more money and provide better for thier family. This just shows that many people make excuses and are basically lazy and try to pin the blame on others. I loved the parts where the author said "do they come into town at night and mug you at knife point and say I want your job?" It's very true in my eyes because managers don't discriminate for the most part and give the job to the most qualified person. It just goes to show that many individuals have sick and twisted view and perspective on others, I believe they need to live in others shoes for a day.

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