Thursday, October 23, 2008

"Jump Cabling"

Unless I was a mechanic, I wouldn't find this poem to be that romantic. To me, when the two car-esque bodies are enamored, it seems so much more mechanical than what love actually is, and that's probably because I'm not a car person. It seems cold and distant and not very heart warming
In the ending phrase , "Why not ride the rest of the way together?" Linda Pastan seems to be almost passive aggressive about the relationship, but what's to say that after the union all of that is never going to happen. After this one little fling everything falls apart and the car breaks down? "When you lifted the hood of mine, to see the intimate workings underneath" , shows that there was atleast some depth there in the relationship, however long it lasted, but to really understand the intimate workings underneath I think requires more than just being "woke with a start". Many things can make you take notice or make you appreciate things about yourself, but that definitely doesn't mean that you have to spend the rest of your life devoted to it, even if at the time it seems like it may be the right thing to do.

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