Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Those Winter Sunday's - Blog 2

The poem "Those Winter Sunday's" actually reminded me of the conflict between Amir and Hassen (from our wiki). This father gets up early, makes a fire to warm up the house "with hands that ached" (line 3) and yet he doesn't get any thanks or credit for doing this. It reminded me of the conflict between Amir and Hassen because after Hassen was raped, he still got up early and ironed, made breakfast, ect... with an aching heart and with no thanks or anything from Amir.

The line 9 puzzled me, "fearing the chronic angers of that house." Chronic angers? I thought maybe house could be a metaphor for father? Was the father chronically angry? That puzzles me that the father would do such a loving thing as he "who had driven out the cold, and polished my good shoes as well" (lines 11, 12) would be chronically angry. If he was angry, maybe it was at this child who seems to live a life of laziness, indifference and unthankfulness. I think the last lines of the poem also attest to this: "What did I know, what did I know, of love's austere and lonely offices?" (lines 13, 14) This child doesn't (didn't?) know anything about sacrificial love.

(I used the link to http://www.poetseers.org/poetry/winter_sundays to read the poem, so all of my line citations are cited from the poem located on this website).

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