Monday, September 29, 2008

Doe Season

In the short story "Doe Season" by David Michael Kaplan, I'm reminded of the woods up at my grandmother's resort in Brainerd, MN. "They were the same woods that lay behind her house, and they stretch all the way to here" (456). When you are surrounded by so much woods, you have to be careful not to get lost, I am like Andy, I too like the outdoors. But I could do without the hunting part, especially the part about gutting the animal. "Her father's knife sliced thickly from chest to belly to crotch" (467). Not the kind of scene that a girl would want to see. I think this is what made Andrea forget about Andy (the boy) and want to become a girl again. Even though you wonder about certain things, sometimes it is better to wonder than to see it for yourself. I feel she was taken by surprise how horrible gutting an animal could be.

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