Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Worn Path

I found "A Worn Path" a sad yet inspiring story of an elderly women walking to get medicine for her grandson. I found it sad because she struggled to make the trip and even forgot why she was making the journey. When the nurses talked with Phoenix about her grandson I got the impression that that he was dead. They said his throat never heals "When was it?- January-two-three years ago-" (454). Phoenix said that he gets sick and can no longer breathe or swallow until she gets his medicine, but it would take her a long time to walk to the doctor to get it. I also got the impression that she was losing her mind for she would talk with the animals and herself as she walked. She also forgot why she made her long journey but blamed it on her poor education. I felt bad for Phoenix, who was old and, possibly, alone. Even through she struggles, I found it inspiring that she would stand up for herself. Even though people would talk down to her and call her a charity case, she would reply with confidence and did not let their comments bother her. Overall, I enjoyed following Phoenix's character on her journey on the worn path of the woods and her life.

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