Friday, October 3, 2008

"Doe Season"

In the story "Doe Season", I believe Andy's father wanted a boy. I think Andy was trying to be what she thought her father wanted. I think she was always trying to please her father and had it in her head that she had her father all to herself. Andy liked that idea according to the quote "She is there, and we are here: the thought satisfied Andy. There was no place else she would rather be" (458). As the story goes on, I think Andy became very uncomfortable with the guys she was with. When Andy had the deer in her sights, she couldn't go through with shooting it. She had wished the deer would have gone, but she knew she had to shoot it or she would of disappointed her father. Andy shot, but didn't feel good about it. I believe by making her father happy, she became aware that this was not what she had wanted. She wanted to be a girl. She wanted to be called Angela. She wanted no part of hurting anything. She wanted to run back to her mother. Andy understood now that not only the inevitable sea could be terrible (467).

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